Tag Archives: nature poems

a cloud’s life


happy clouds....

Like big, fluffy bean bags in the sky,

Some say that’s where heaven is,

Now I see why,

If I could live and jump on clouds,

I’d be up there right now!


Sometimes they get angry,

And let out bolts of fury,

They would hit me and I’d come crashing down,

Down, down, down.

Until I reach the ground,

Then I would definitely be  in heaven up there! 

....and unhappy clouds!

the modeling tree


True beauty can't be man made

Still, quiet air

The sun lowers,

As the tree has the floor,

Its sinful silhouette,

Its branches like sculptures,

Reaching out for power,

As it conquers its surrounding sky,

Every detail,

Every moment,

Every movement,

Is a work of art,

As he bows down to the audience.